Thursday, 1 February 2024

Produce a garment fabric consumption

The quantity of fabric which is required to produce a garment is called fabric consumption. Fabric represents around 70% of the total garment cost and is therefore the most important component in costing. It is essential to the success of the business that this is properly controlled. It is not just a matter of having good markers but also to make sure that fabric is utilized to the maximum. Merchandiser does the costing which is the heart of production merchandising and the fabric consumption is the responsibility of the merchandiser. Merchandiser quotes the cost of garment at the time of sampling. Hence, merchandiser must know the calculation related to fabric consumption.

There are two methods to calculate the fabric consumption namely

1. Preparation of marker (miniature marker)

2. Mathematical method of fabric consumption

At the sampling stage marker development is not the only answer remain with the merchandiser, but there are several mathematical methods available with merchandiser to make fabric consumption approximately. This will give the fabric consumption quickly and time required for costing will be less. In some organization fabric consumption is strictly done by development of miniature marker but, some organizations follow the mathematical method for fabric consumption. As there are multiple styles going on at a time and CAD department does not have capacity to develop such a large amount of marker. More over development of marker is a time consuming process since costing should be submits to the buyer within the given time frame. Hence merchandiser follows some mathematical methods to calculate the fabric consumption.

These methods will give the approximate fabric consumption merchandiser should see the relevancy of the consumption according to type of style, type of fabric, matching parameter of the buyer, cost limitation of the organizations, fabric price etc.

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