Most Important IE Interview Questions With Answer
IE Interview Questions
As an industrial engineers, we are always very curious when we face IE interview questions. In this blog post, I share my experience and insights regarding the IE interview questions, which can be valuable for others preparing for the interviews. It’s important to be ready for the types of questions that are typically asked and the overall IE interview questions. In this blog post, you will find helpful resources for everyone prepared to pursue a career in industrial engineering. So, take your time to read and prepare for the IE interview questions to ace your next interview and land your dream job in industrial engineering.
What is SMV?
Answer: SMV defined as “Time taken by a standard worker to perform the task with pre-defined conditions". Standard Worker is who, the potential worker who can give maximum output with the best quality & can improve productivity for a specific item & style.
SMV Calculation, For example, Suppose a standard operator takes 1 minute to complete an operation. Let put 15% allowance (Men, M/c & Time)
SMV=1+ (1×.15) Min
= (1+.15) Min
=1.15 Min
SMV is the sum of SMV for all M/c & Manual operations to complete an item.
1. What is Efficiency?
The comparison of what is produced or performed with what can be achieved with the same consumption of resources (money, time, labor, etc.) So, Efficiency=SMV*Production/M/P*W.H(min)*100%
2. Write down The name of Efficiency drivers.
1. SMV
2. Production
3. Manpower &
4. Working Time.
3. What is SMV?
(Standard minute value) The Standard time required to manufacture a complete product is called SMV.
Write down The name of Efficiency drivers.
1. Standard Manpower,
2. Standard Environment,
3. Standard Machine &
4. Standard Method.
4. What are the factors of SMV in the Apparel industry?
1. Types of Apparel
2. Types of fabric
3. Size of Apparel
4. Design of Apparel
5. Difficulty of the processes
6. Types of M/C and technology used
7. Use of work aid, folder, attachment, etc.
5. What is Basic Time?
The primary time for the operation is found by applying the concept of rating to relate the observed to that of a standard place of work.
6. What is Standard time?
The standard time is the total time the job should be completed at the standard level.
7. What is Target?
Target is the amount of production that an Operator should produce
8. What is Observed Time?
The time was measured to complete a task.
9. What is Cycle time?
Cycle time is the time it takes to complete the production of one unit from start to finish.
10. What is WIP?
The same finished/finished goods transported from one workstation to the next are called WIP.
11. What is Pitch Time?
Total SMV divided by the number of Workers.
12. What is a Learning Curve?
The time taken to achieve the plan target is called the learning curve.
13. What is the rating?
Rating is the technique used to assess an Operator’s or worker’s speed and effectiveness.
14. What is Style feeding time?
Time is taken to output the first piece of a new style from the first machine of input to output.
15. What is production?
Production generally refers to activities that convert resources into products.
16. What is productivity?
Productivity is the ratio between output & input.
17. What is method study?
Method study is the study of work method for a job to achieve process improvement, improve the layout, improve design & reduce fatigue & cost for developing a more accessible and effective way.
18. Write down the steps of the Method Study.
1. Select
2. Record
3. Examine
4. Develop
5. Define
6. Install &
7. Maintain
19. Objectives of Method Study?
1. Lower The cost.
2. Increase the productivity
3. Increase the profitability.
4. Increase the job security.
5. Fair task for everyone, etc.
20. What is Motion Study?
Motion study is the systematic examination of carrying activities to input the effective use of resources & to set up standards & performance for the activities being carried out.
21. What are the main activities of Ie?
1. System development
2. Process analysis& implementation
3. Reduced cost
4. Increase production & productivity
22. What is line balancing?
To put the correct operator to the proper process called line balancing
23. What is the bottleneck?
High cycle time of an individual process or dumping any operation where production& productivity do not come.
24. What is Balancing loss?
1-lowest target/Hight target*100%
25. How to increase Efficiency?
1. Increase production& productivity
2. Reduced Extra overtime
3. Reduced NPT
4. Reduced QCO time
5. Multiskilled operator creating
6. Proper utilization of machine
26. What is MMR?
1. Man 2. Machine 3. Ratio
27. How to calculate MMR?
Total manpower\total run machine
28. What is Load?
How much work are we putting into a section?
29. What is Capacity?
How much work a section is capable of working?
30. What is Lean?
Lean manufacturing refers to manufacturing methodologies based on maximizing value & identifying & eliminating waste in the manufacturing process.
31. Types of Lean?
1. Valu added
2. Non-Value added
3. Wastage
32. What is Lean Manufacturing?
Supplier -delivery( Shorter lead time)
33. What is Kaizen?
Continuous Improvement
34. What is Kanban?
Signal a visual card
35. What are 5s?
1. Sorting
2. Set in order
3. Shine
4. Standardize
5. Sustain
36. How do we reduce the quo?
1. Maintain pre-production activities
2. Proper line balancing
3. Smooth supply chain management
37. What is standard efficiency
Produced min\available min-NPT*100%
38. What are PMTS?
Predetermined motion time system
39. What is LCL?
Lower control limit
40. What UCL?
Upper control limit
41. What is work measurement?
Work measurement is the application of an individual worker performance growth where selecting an op to do any operation how effectively done
42. Write down the wastage of lean.
1. Transportation
2. Inventory
3. Motion
4. Waiting
5. Overproduction
6. Over-processing
7. Defects
43. Does the rating depend on the?
1. Skill
2. Effort
3. Condition
4. Consistency
44. Types of allowance?
1. Relaxation Allowance
2. Fatigue allowance
3. Machine Allowance
45. What Is the Role Of IE?
Industrial Engineers Find ways to eliminate waste in the production process.
46. What Skill does an IE need?
a) Creativity b) Critical Thinking Skills c) Listening Skills d) Problem-Solving Skills e) Math Skills
47. What are the IE Tools On the Quality base system?
a) Causes & Effect Diagram b) Sheet c) Control Chart d) Histogram e) Pareto chart d) Scatter Diagram e) Stratification
48. What is Fish Bone Diagram?
Problem Solving Method Based on Man, Machine, Method, Material etc
49. What is VSM?
Value stream Mapping is a potent tool used to identify waste in the entire value stream, defined as activities required to control raw material into finished goods.
50. What does VE mean?
Value Engineering
51. How is VE Applied?
Formal Job Plan b) Trained Facilitator c) Function Analysis
52. When VE Applied?
a) Problem Solving, b) Strategic Planning c) New Product development.
53 What is the TPT Tracker?
Through Put Time. It calculates the time from start (layout) to finish time.
54. GSD Means?
General Sewing Data.
55. How many GSD Tasks are used in the garments industry?
2 Task
56. What are the tasks of GSD?
a)Low tasks, b) High Tasks.
57. What do G and P mean in GSD?
G=Get data P= Put data
58. Write down Get Data in GSD
Ans: To touch something is to Get data.
59. Write down Put Data in GSD.
To carry from one place to another.
60. T.M.U=?
Time Measuring Unit
61. MTM =?
Methods Time Measurement.
62. 1 Sec=? T.M.U( High Tasks)
33.3 TMU
63. 1 Sec=? T.M.U( Low Tasks)
27.8 TMU
64. How many GSD codes are used in the Garment industry?
37 Codes
65. What type of Line layout is in the garment industry?
Line with center table and operator faces the same direction b) Line with center table and operator face opposite direction c) Straight Layout d) Side by Side e) U-shaped Layout. F) Modular line layout
66. What is TML?
Theoretical Mining Label
67. What is AML?
Actual Mining label
68. Write down work measurement techniques.
1. Time study
2. Method Study
3. Production Study
4. Activity sampling
6. Analytical estimation
69. Write down five uses of SMV:
1. Pre costing calculation
2. Planning
3. Line Balancing
4. Efficiency Calculation
5. Issue targets
6. Calculate cost per minute.
70. Write down Six significant losses.
1. Breakdowns
2. Setup
3. Small Stops
4. Reduced Speed
5. Startup Rejects
6. Production Rejects
71. What is CPM & CM
CPM cost per minute. It may be for a production line, a factory, or an organization.
CPM (Cost per Minutes) = (Direct Labor Cost + Operational Cost) of the month/ Usage Minutes (Available Minutes) of the month
CM or COM is the cost of making or making cost. In a broad sense, it is CMT (Cut, Make & Trim) cost for the garments industry. Before finding CM, CPM must be calculated.
CM= (SMV × CPM)/ Expected Efficiency%
Suppose any item SMV is 5.5, Expected efficiency = 62.5 %, CPM= $0.03
CM = (5.5 × .0264)/ .625
= $0.264/PCs
= ($0.264 ×12)/ Dzn
=$3.168 / Dzn ”
72. What do you know about takt time?
The average time between the start of production of one unit & the start of production of the next unit, when these must be set to match the rate of customer demand, is called takt time. In short, it reflects the production rate needed to match the demand.
T=Ta /D
Where T=Takt time
Ta=Net available time
Net available time is the time for work completion, including break time, maintenance, loss time, brainstorming, etc.”
73. What do you understand by 5D?
Absence of 5S on the production floor results in five devils or 5D. They are:
1. 1D-Delays
2. 2D-Downtime
3. 3D-Defects
4. 4D-Dangerous (Unsafe) workplace
5. 5D-Demoralized employees
All 5D results in dissatisfied customers & decreased profit.”
74. What are the objectives of the work-study & method study?
Objectives of work study are:
1. Cost optimization
2. Increase productivity
3. Increase profitability
4. Increase job security
5. Standard work procedure
6. Establish fair tasks for everyone
75. What are the Objectives of the method study?
1. Improve the layout of the factory and office
2. Better design of plant equipment and buildings
3. Higher standard of safety and health
4. To improve the flow of work
5. To get the better quality
6. Effective materials handling
7. Proper utilization of resources
8. To get maximum output
9. To improve administration
10. Waste reduction”
76. What is SMED
SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies) is a system for dramatically reducing the time required to complete equipment changeovers. The essence of the SMED system is to convert as many changeover steps as possible to “external” (performed while the equipment is running) and to simplify and streamline the remaining steps. The name Single-Minute Exchange of Dies comes from the goal of reducing changeover times to the “single” digits (i.e., less than 10 minutes).
77. A successful SMED program will have the following benefits:
1. Lower manufacturing cost (faster changeovers mean less equipment downtime)
2. Smaller lot sizes (faster conversions enable more frequent product changes)
3. Improved responsiveness to customer demand (smaller lot sizes allow more flexible scheduling)
4. Lower inventory levels (smaller lot sizes result in lower inventory levels)
5. Smoother startups (standardized changeover processes improve consistency and quality.
78. When to use the PDCA cycle
Use the PDCA cycle when
1. Starting a new improvement project
2. Developing a new or improved design of a process, product, or service
3. Defining a repetitive work process
4. Planning data collection and analysis to verify and prioritize problems or root causes
5. Implementing any change
6. Working toward continuous improvement.
79. What is OEE & valuable?
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a “best practices” metric that identifies the percentage of planned production time that is genuinely productive. An OEE score of 100% represents perfect production: manufacturing only good parts as fast as possible, with no downtime.
OEE is helpful as both a benchmark and a baseline:
As a benchmark, it can be used to compare the performance of a given production asset to industry standards, to similar in-house assets, or to results for different shifts working on the same purchase.
As a baseline, it can track progress in eliminating waste from a given production asset.”
80. What types of markers are used
1. Mixed Marker 2. Open Marker3. Closed Marker4. Closed-On-Open5. Blocking and re-laying6. Single Section Marker7. Section Marker
As an industrial engineer, you must be well-prepared to answer IE interview questions to increase your chances of success in your dream job. By following the tips and insights shared in this blog post, you can improve your interview performance and showcase your skills and knowledge in industrial engineering. With proper preparation and the right mindset, you can confidently answer IE interview questions and land your dream job in the industrial engineering field. So, remember to prepare for your IE interview questions today to take your career to the next level.
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