Saturday, 27 August 2022

Industrial Engineering exam question answers

Q: If 30 machines can produce 2400 pcs product in 10 working hour. What is the productivity per hour of one machine?
Ans: 8pcs 
30mc 2400 pcs 10hr
30 mc 240 pcs 1hr
1mc 8pcs 1hr

Q: Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn bears a number which is multiply of 4?
Ans: 1/4

Total out come= 1,2,3,(4),5,6,7,(8),9,10, 11,(12),13,14,15,(16),17,18,19,(20)
Favourable out come 
= multiplying by 4


Q: Who is the father of industrial engineering?
Ans: Frederick Taylor

A value stream shows all activities from order to ______
Ans: Delivery

Q: The price of raw material has gone up by 25%. The labor cost has also increased from 30% of the cost of raw material to 40% of the cost of raw material. By how much percentage should there be the reduction in net cost so as to keep the cost same?

Ans : 25%
Raw materials up 25%=125
Increase raw material =125+40%=175
Increase from 30%=130

Variation 175-130=45


Q: A Z B Y D W G T??
Which two letters come next? 
Ans: K P

There are two alternate sequence. Starting at A, ABcDefGhijK; starting at Z, ZYxWvuTsrqP

What day comes three days after the day which comes two days after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes two days after Monday?

Ans: Tuesday

Q:What is the synonym for “FABRICATE”?
Ans: pain